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The Evolution of Write-Up Continues

Alongside professional tax preparation, write-up has long been a cornerstone client service for many full-service accounting firms, providing monthly, quarterly and annual engagements that equate to a fiscal checkup for client businesses. The core elements of account reconciliation, fixing improperly posted transactions and preparation of financial statements are critical to these entities truly knowing their health, and serve as a firm foundation for ensuring against employee fraud, as well as for planning, budgeting and valuation.

The Face of Leadership: Foreseeing & Managing Change

Change isn’t always easy, but it happens regardless of our intent. We grow older. Families diverge and branch off as children leave the nest to build their own lives. Economies ebb and flow. Consumer tastes fluctuate, causing some businesses to become obsolete while creating room for new ones. And, of course, changes in technology seem to occur so frequently that, just as we’re getting used to one system, it’s time to start learning a new one.