Latest News
IRS-CI Releases Its FY 2024 Highlight Reel
AICPA Releases Statement on BOI Injunction, FinCEN Appeal
PCAOB Says Audit Firm Culture is Tied to Audit Quality
PCAOB Punishes New York Audit Firm, Three Partners for Deceiving Inspection Staff
Kansas Gov. tax plan eliminates homeowner property tax deduction
The governor wants to wipe away the income deduction claimed by Kansans for property taxes they pay on their homes. Nixing that deduction would raise revenue, at least partially offsetting the lower state income tax rates Brownback wants to adopt.
Tax fraud cases show need for preparer regulation
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of cases each year of uncredentialed "kitchen counter" tax preparers misleading consumers and filing illegal returns. Just this week, we have three more examples:
IRS appeals court ruling: Professionals and consumers agree with testing of tax preparers
This was the last thing this tax season needed: Uncertainty for tax professionals, other tax preparers and tax-paying Americans. AICPA, NSA, NAEA and other organizations want IRS testing program.
Bookkeeper pleads no contest to third embezzlement charge in four years
A bookkeeper accused of stealing $3,200 from an East Palo Alto dental office while on probation for ripping off two Redwood City dental offices pleaded no contest Tuesday to a felony embezzlement charge.
Nebraska governor wants to end sales tax exemptions for agriculture
Nebraska's individual and business taxes would be eliminated under a new tax plan outlined by Gov. Dave Heineman on Jan. 18. To make up for lost income tax revenue, the plan would end sales tax exemptions on products from agricultural machinery and chemicals to medicine and medical equipment.
Less than one week left to file W-2s and 1099s
Greatland Extends Filing Hours to 8 p.m. January 31, Guarantees Deadline Compliance
IRS to offer relief from estimated tax penalty for farmers and fishermen
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that it will issue guidance in the near future to provide relief from the estimated tax penalty for farmers and fishermen unable to file and pay their 2012 taxes by the March 1 deadline due to the delayed start for filing tax returns.
Payroll clerk accused of identity theft
Authorities filed multiple identity theft charges against a High Point woman who worked as a payroll clerk.