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IRS-CI Releases Its FY 2024 Highlight Reel
AICPA Releases Statement on BOI Injunction, FinCEN Appeal
PCAOB Says Audit Firm Culture is Tied to Audit Quality
PCAOB Punishes New York Audit Firm, Three Partners for Deceiving Inspection Staff
Bipartisan bill in U.S. Senate would make tax cheats lose federal jobs
With the IRS scandal over targeting conservative groups still simmering, two senators -- one from each party -- say the time is ripe to push the beleaguered agency to go after a real, proven target: federal employees who are tax cheats.
Michigan Supreme Court justice sentenced to prison over real estate scam
There goes the judge... to prison. In a Michigan courtroom on Tuesday, former Michigan Supreme Court Justice Diane Hathaway was sentenced to one year and one day in prison and ordered to pay $90,000 in restitution.
Denver economic growth strongest since 2008
With unemployment down and increasing business investments, the mayor of Denver, Colorado and the city's Office of Economic Development announced on Monday that the city's economy is strong and getting stronger.
Lawyer claims IRS and Administration have tried to intimidate Koch Industries
The chief lawyer for Koch Industries said Friday that government targeting of conservative political groups is nothing new to the Wichita-based company.
Oklahoma tornado relief gets political
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin's administration rejected a plan to distribute debit cards worth $1,200 - funded with federal money - to tornado-stricken families early this week after determining that more traditional efforts were meeting the affected area's needs.
Major property tax cut in Iowa comes closer to passage
The Iowa Senate voted 43-6 Wednesday to pass a wide-ranging, historic tax relief package that will benefit all property classes, provide an estimated $120 credit to income taxpayers, and give a break to low-income working families.
Kansas Legislators clash on tax negotiations
Negotiations between House and Senate Republicans over tax-cutting proposals crashed Thursday morning as Senate leaders moved ahead to potentially vote on a new plan that House leaders say they haven't seen yet.
Los Angeles mayor’s office: Both sides expect smooth transition
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa began the formal transition of power to his successor on Thursday, hosting Mayor-elect Eric Garcetti for breakfast at Getty House where he told reporters that the city councilman had his "full support."