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Income Tax

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Clever Financial Strategy For Reporting Interest Earned On U.S. Savings Bonds

Currently over 50 million individuals own nearly $178 billion worth of U.S. Savings Bonds. Many don’t realize that savings bonds are subject to federal income taxes when they are either cashed in or reach final maturity, whichever comes first. The difference between the purchase price and the cash-in value is considered reportable interest. When savings bonds are cashed in, a 1099-INT is normally issued for any interest earned amount over $10. Savings Bonds are free from state and local taxes.

Traveling Abroad for Business? Keep These Deduction Tips in Mind

As with domestic travel (i.e., travel within the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia), you can deduct all of your travel expenses if the trip is entirely for business purposes. Otherwise, you’re entitled to travel deductions only if the primary purpose of the trip is business-related. Again, the days spent on business versus pleasure are critical, although the IRS is lenient in treating certain days as “business days.”

Ken Berry